Michael Steele is firing back at his critics inside the Republican Party, who privately complain that he’s failed to properly organize the party, does too many gaffe-riddled interviews, and overall keeps everyone out of the loop. In fact, he says, this is just how he likes it.
In an interview with the Politico, Steele answered the naysayers:
“I know some folks in Washington feel that they’re kind of on the outside of this — that they don’t have the day-to-day blow by blow of what I’m doing,” he said. “And that’s exactly how I like it. I want to be about the business of putting in place a good infrastructure that will enable me to go out and build a better brand, stronger brand, for the GOP. And I won’t get there by tattle-telling every day what I’m doing.”
He also had this to say: “If I told folks what I really thought, I’d probably be in a lot more trouble.”