The National Republican Congressional Committee has announced a new series of radio ads against five Blue Dog Democrats from districts that voted for John McCain, attacking them as “lapdogs” for Nancy Pelosi and President Obama.
The five targeted members are Reps. Marion Berry (D-AR), Charlie Melancon (D-LA), Earl Pomeroy (D-ND)), Zack Space (D-OH)), and John Tanner (D-TN).
Here’s the ad targeting Pomeroy:
“But this year in Washington, Earl Pomeroy’s not voting like a Blue Dog,” the announcer says. “He’s voting like a lapdog — a lapdog for Nancy Pelosi and President Obama. Pomeroy’s been voting with liberal Pelosi 99% of the time.”
And here’s the ad against Melancon:
The ads are essentially the same, with the scripts localized for the Congressman’s name — and if you listen carefully, the announcer taking on the appropriate regional accent.
Late Update: This post originally referred to the ads as robocalls. They are not calls, they are radio ads.