Yet another poll has simply awful news for Gov. David Paterson (D-NY), showing him losing in landslides against two possible 2010 Republican opponents in even this heavily Democratic state. Meanwhile, his potential Dem primary opponent, state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, leads those same GOPers by hefty margins.
The new numbers from Rasmussen: Rudy Giuliani bests Paterson by a 58%-30% margin, while George Pataki is ahead of the incumbent 47%-33%. On the other hand, Cuomo leads Rudy by 55%-37%, and is ahead of Pataki — the man who defeated Cuomo’s father Mario in 1994 — by 57%-29%.
The pollster’s analysis shows how bad things are for Paterson — but also hints that anything can happen in seemingly short periods of time: “Paterson’s political dilemma begins with the fact that just 31% of New York voters approve of the way he’s handling the job of Governor right now. Sixty-seven percent 67% disapprove. In early January, 65% approved of Paterson’s work.”