Appearing on Fox News today, Liz Cheney worried that a judge who makes legal decisions based on how they want the law to work out “moves us away from the rule of law”:
“And you know, you’re not supposed to make decisions based on how you want the law to come out — how you want the results to come out. If you’re a judge or a Justice, obviously one would hope that you would be just strictly interpreting the law, and I think we’ve heard in a number of instances President Obama talk about, sort of, a results-oriented approach to the law, or you know, making these determinations based on your heart or your empathy. And I think that’s dangerous. I think that moves us away from the rule of law.”
Of course, this comes form someone who is mounting a huge public relations campaign for her father’s policy that “enhanced interrogation” was legal and not torture. Interestingly, this Republican concern about results-oriented legal judgement was also lodged yesterday by John Yoo, one of the authors of the torture memos.