Shepard Smith Blasts Right-Wing Extremism … From Fox News Viewers

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Shepard Smith has spent a good chunk of his time on Fox News today saying how today’s shooting at the Holocaust Museum vindicates the Department of Homeland Security’s report on the threat of right-wing extremists — that birthers and other such conspiracy theorists who vilify President Obama have to stop.

At one point, he focused his ire on a particular group of right-wing extremists — the Fox News viewers who write e-mails to the channel:

“I read a lot of e-mail around here,” said Smith. “And the e-mail to me has become more and more frightening. It’s not a new thing. it’s been happening over the past few months. It’s been happening, you know, to some degree, since the election process went along.”

He then proceeded to read an example of the e-mails, which he collectively described as being “out there in a scary place.”

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