There might be one beneficiary of the flame war between Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) and Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA): Republican Pat Toomey.
Whomever wins the Democratic Senate primary in Pennsylvania next year will battle Toomey in the general election, and now, for the first time, Toomey shows a lead over both men. A Rasmussen telephone survey of likely voters, released today, shows 48 percent would vote Toomey, 36 Specter if the election were held today. Four percent opt for a third option, and 12 are not sure.
Specter’s taken a beating in recent months for switching parties at a crucial political moment, and though he enjoys extremely wide name recognition, the attacks seem to be taking their toll. But the situation’s no better for Sestak, who until recently was also beating Toomey. Toomey now has a 43-35 lead over Sestak, down from June, when Sestak enjoyed a six point lead over Toomey.