Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) is one of the latest members of Congress to have a run in with anti-health care reform protesters.
The encounter in the video took place last week after Baucus spoke at a preventive care conference in Bozeman, Montana. According to the New York Times, Baucus described the protesters as “agitators, whose sole goal was to intimidate, disrupt and not let any meaningful conversation go on.”
There were a couple of people in the crowd “with YouTubes,” Mr. Baucus added (meaning cameras), and he posited that the agitators were paid and probably from out of state.
No confirmation on whether any of the protesters came from out of state–though other anti-health care reform protesters haven’t been shy about the fact that they don’t just target their own representatives. And sure enough, one of the people with Youtubes put his footage on the Internets, and it’s now accessible to everyone via the Google.