Florida GOP chairman Jim Greer appeared on CNN today, and accused the White House of changing the content of President Obama’s stay-in-school speech in the wake of conservative outrage at political indoctrination — outrage that he was instrumental in mobilizing, by the way — and that the original would have been much more politically-oriented.
“Clearly last week there was a plan with the Department of Education,” said Greer. “When you ask students to write a letter to the President on, how we can help you with your new ideas, Mr. President, that is leading the students in an effort to push the President’s agenda. Now that the White House got their hand in the cookie jar caught, they changed everything, they redid the lesson plans, they released the text, and tomorrow he’s gonna give a speech that every president should have an opportunity to give.”
Suzanne Malveaux asked Greer if he had any inside information that the White House changed the speech.
“No, I don’t,” said Greer. “But I would anticipate, based on this President being so vocal and so aggressive about his vision of America, where government is in every aspect of our lives, I believe that the speech that he was gonna give, based on the lesson plans, is different.”