As we reported earlier, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) said on the House floor yesterday that the Republican plan for health care reform was little more than “don’t get sick,” and if you do, “die quickly.” Grayson has since refused to apologize.
Now Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) has introduced a resolution calling on the House to officially “disapprove” of Grayson’s comments. Here’s the full text:
Whereas on September 29, 2009, during proceedings on the floor of the House of Representatives, Rep. Alan Grayson from Florida described the Republican health care plan as “die quickly”;
Whereas on September 29, 2009, during Rep. Grayson’s speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, he presented a sign for display, which read, “The Republican Health Care Plan: “Die Quickly”;
Whereas on September 29, 2009, Rep. Grayson repeatedly stated that “Republicans’ health care plan” was for Americans to “die quickly”;
Whereas on September 29, 2009, Rep. Grayson concluded his speech by saying, “Remember, the Republican plan: Don’t get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly.”
Whereas the conduct of the Representative from Florida was a breach of decorum and degraded the integrity and proceedings of the House; Now, therefore be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives disapproves of the behavior of the Representative from Florida, Mr. Grayson, during proceedings on the floor of the House of Representatives on September 29, 2009.