DNC Raked In $15.4 Million During Biden’s First 100 Days

President Joe Biden (Photo by Oliver Contreras-Pool/Getty Images)
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The Democratic National Committee raised $15.4 million in online donations during President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office, more than double what it raked in during ex-President Donald Trump’s first 100 days, according to Axios.

Axios reports that the average donation for this year’s 100-day period was $23.

The DNC’s cash haul surpassed that which the committee raised during Trump or Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office, which was $4.7 million and $427,000, respectively.

A committee spokesperson told Axios that “organic online contributions” skyrocketed by over 700% on the day of Biden’s speech to Congress last Wednesday from contributions given to the DNC the day before.

Biden’s address saw the President lay out his progressive goals in his sweeping $2 trillion infrastructure plan, including universal preschool and large tax hikes on corporations.

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  1. … more than double what it raked in during ex-President Donald Trump’s first 100 days, according to axios.

    Oh, my, heads are definitely exploding at Merde-a-Barfo today!


    Count down to BLOTUS call-in rant Faux News…3…2…1…

  2. Avatar for docd docd says:

    And Dems don’t have to let a former president take 80% off the top.

  3. OT but too good to not share

  4. I know the Capitol Grill set is all a twitter that the DNC is doing so well at fundraising but instead of celebrating the good times that implies they should be focused like a laser on expanding their numbers in the house. That means defending their current seats AND securing more. I think it is possible. The Republicans haven’t got a story and are depending entirely on traditional patterns to save them. Democrats need to be using their money wisely to expand their ranks.

  5. Dems in DISARRAY!!!

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