GOP Rep. Reed Announces He Won’t Seek Reelection After Sexual Misconduct Allegation

Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) attends a news conference with a group of bipartisan lawmakers to unveil a proposal for a COVID-19 relief bill in Washington on December 14, 2020. (Photo by Caroline Brehman/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)
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Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY), who recently floated a potential campaign against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), announced on Sunday night that he would neither run for governor nor seek reelection in 2022 after a lobbyist accused him of sexual misconduct.

“Simply put, my behavior caused her pain, showed her disrespect and was unprofessional,” Reed said. “I was wrong, I am sorry, and I take full responsibility.”

Nicolette Davis, a lobbyist for the insurance firm Aflac, had told the Washington Post that Reed unhooked her bra and ran his hand up her thigh during a gathering with other lobbyists at a bar in 2017.

The GOP congressman denied Davis’ allegation in a statement to the Post on Friday, claiming that “[t]his account of my actions is not accurate.”

On Sunday, Reed walked back his initial response and said that his “personal depiction of this event is not relevant.”

He also stated he was “powerless over alcohol” at the time and has since sought treatment for his addiction.

Reed’s announcement comes after he told Fox News “seriously considering” a gubernatorial bid to unseat Cuomo, who has been hit with multiple allegations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment.

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