President Obama has sent out a new e-mail to his Organizing For America campaign e-mail list for New York’s 23rd Congressional District, telling recipients that he endorses Democratic candidate Bill Owens in the upcoming special election and urges them to help out:
As I work to change the tone of our nation’s politics and end the petty partisanship that has dominated Washington for too long, I’ll need the help of leaders like Bill.
That’s why I’m proud to announce my support for Bill Owens, candidate for Congress in New York’s 23rd Congressional District.
But my support will only take Bill so far. As we learned last year, true change doesn’t come from folks in Washington, but from the dedication and energy of people like you.
A win here would be a pick-up for the Democrats, taking the seat formerly held by GOP Congressman John McHugh, who was appointed by Obama to be Secretary of the Army. The Republicans have been seriously damaged by a split between supporters of moderate GOP nominee Dede Scozzafava versus Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman.
The full e-mail is available after the jump.
Friend —
As a Captain in the U.S. Air Force, Bill Owens served at Plattsburgh Air Force Base. Then, as a leader in the North Country community, he helped lead the redevelopment of that base and bring thousands of jobs to the region.
As I work to change the tone of our nation’s politics and end the petty partisanship that has dominated Washington for too long, I’ll need the help of leaders like Bill.
That’s why I’m proud to announce my support for Bill Owens, candidate for Congress in New York’s 23rd Congressional District.
But my support will only take Bill so far. As we learned last year, true change doesn’t come from folks in Washington, but from the dedication and energy of people like you.
So today, I’m hoping you will volunteer with Bill’s campaign and help us send him to Congress.
Bill Owens has a crucial role to play in our effort to bring change to our nation. In these trying economic times, Bill has a proven record of creating jobs.
He fought tirelessly to recruit businesses to Upstate New York. And when Plattsburgh Air Force Base closed, Bill jumped into action, helping to ensure that the land was used to create jobs. All told, Bill’s leadership helped bring over 2,000 jobs to the North Country.
Last year, our movement won a historic election. But real change never comes easily, so I’m going to need your help again — this time, to elect Bill Owens.
I know I can count on Bill’s support as we work together to help middle-class families by reforming our health insurance system and getting our economy back on track. Can I count on you to help send him to Congress?
Thank you,President Barack Obama