An affidavit from conspiracy theorist Lucas Smith filed in a now-dismissed Birther lawsuit details charges that attorney Orly Taitz, among many other things, asked Smith to perjure himself. The federal judge in the case has said he was “deeply concerned” about the charges, along with similar claims from at least one other prospective witness.
Lucas Smith, a Birther activist whose past claims have been debunked by even Birther-friendly WorldNetDaily, claims Taitz wanted him to falsely say in court that an incident where he was almost hit by a car in Los Angeles amounted to an “attempt on my life” by operatives sent by President Obama.
In dismissing Barnett et al v. Obama et al, Judge David Carter, of the U.S. District Court in the Central District of California, voiced concern about affidavits charging Taitz suborned perjury. “This Court is deeply concerned that Taitz may have suborned perjury through witnesses she intended to bring before this Court,” he wrote late last month.
The judge did not get into detail about the affidavits, but Smith’s affidavit fits the judge’s description and Taitz suggested in a followup filing that Smith was among the potential witnesses in question.
The Orange County Register, which obtained the affidavit from author Lucas Smith, runs down the charges, which get seriously into the Birther weeds:
Among allegations made in the affidavit from Smith is that Taitz asked him to say that he was the one who obtained a document that was alleged to be a 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth of Barack Hussein Obama II. That document had been called a forgery by experts and in his affidavit, Smith said his research also concluded that the document was fake.
Taitz did not immediately respond to our call for comment, but she told the OC Register the charges in the affidavit are false, and that it was probably written under pressure from unspecified sources. [See update below for Taitz’s response.]
Below is the full affidavit, which, be warned, contains some NSFW sections. Diehard TPMmuckraker readers will appreciate cameos by Birthermercial creator Gary Kreep.
Keep in mind while reading that this is how Smith describes himself in the affidavit:
l, Lucas Smith, often spend my days and sometimes my nights marshaling evidence which aides in establishing under both standards of evidence, preponderance of the evidence and beyond a reasonable doubt, that US President Barack Obama was born at Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya and is ineligible to serve as President of the United States.
Here it is:
Lucas Daniel Smith 10.12.09 new Declaration SACV09-00082-DOC (Anx)
Late Update: Calling from Illinois where she is attending the Continental Congress 2009, Taitz told TPMmuckraker the affidavit contains nothing but “slanderous, defamatory accusations from third parties.” She said she had “no clue” about the Los Angeles near-accident issue, and “I never asked anyone to lie.”
Taitz also told us she is stunned the judge referenced the affidavits in his order without first giving her a chance to respond.