Progressive Caucus Chairman Rep. Raul Grijalva said today it would be a “serious mistake” if Senate Democrats attempt to “steamroll” their health care bill over through the House without the middle step of a conference committee.
It’s an idea that’s floated on Capitol Hill lately especially as the Senate is having a tough time uniting the caucus on key elements in the bill.
“Our biggest concern is we won’t have the opportunity to go face to face with the Senate,” Grijalva (D-AZ) said on the ABC News show Top Line.
He said Speaker Nancy Pelosi has assured them she will insist on a conference committee and “we’re counting on that.” He said his caucus has told the White House and House leadership there must be a conference committee.
Grijalva also said Sen. Joe Lieberman’s (I-CT) threat over the weekend is a big deal that he sees as pulling the “guts” out of any form of “what pretends to be” a public option.
If the bill isn’t up to par, they will have a “difficult if not impossible time getting through the House,” he said.
Grijalva said he does not expect health care to be wrapped up until after the new year.