AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka wouldn’t go so far as to say he’d oppose a health care bill that doesn’t meet his goals this afternoon. But he did warn that members of Congress could suffer serious blowback at the polls this November if workers aren’t pleased with the final health care bill.
“We said we have three issues: the public option, how it’s funded, and the employer mandate,” Trumka told reporters today. “We’re still fighting on all three of those issues.”
Asked whether workers would stay at home in November if the health care bill doesn’t accomplish those goals, Trumka was blunt.
“I think there’s that chance,” he said. “I think the American public, and workers are out there and they’re looking for a couple things right now. Health care is an important issue to them. Jobs are an important issue. I think those people that don’t show a sense of urgency about both of them, I think they’re going to face the scorn of workers at the polls.”