The Democratic National Committee has pulled together a new Web ad going after Sen. Richard Shelby’s blanket hold on President Obama’s nominees, saying that Republicans are holding national security hostage.
Top DNC operatives tell TPMDC they are considering some television ad concepts and want to really press the point that Republicans should pay the price for holding up nominees in the Defense Department and Homeland Security.
“We are going to make sure they pay it,” the operative said.
In releasing the Web ad, DNC spokesman Hari Sevugan issued a statement saying that Republicans would rather play politics than do what’s right.
“The American people are sick and tired of it,” Sevugan said. “And, with Senator Shelby’s blanket hold on ALL nominees, they can no longer claim that their obstruction is about qualifications. It’s about politics plain and simple. And for putting politics ahead of the nation’s security they should be ashamed.”