Here’s How 2020 Dems Spent Their Sunday Piling On Bloomberg

ANNAPOLIS, MD – JANUARY 22: Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg visits Maryland Lawmakers in Annapolis on January 22, 2019. Bloomberg talked with the media inside the State House.(Photo by Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post)
ANNAPOLIS, MD JANUARY 22: Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg visits Maryland Lawmakers in Annapolis on January 22, 2019. Bloomberg talked with the media inside the State House. (Photo by Marvin Joseph/The Was... ANNAPOLIS, MD JANUARY 22: Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg visits Maryland Lawmakers in Annapolis on January 22, 2019. Bloomberg talked with the media inside the State House. (Photo by Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post via Getty Images) MORE LESS
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‘Tis the season for Bloomberg bashing.

Despite his absence on the Nevada caucuses ballot next week, Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has taken over the discourse surrounding the 2020 presidential election.

From the controversy surrounding his stop-and-frisk policing policy during his mayoral term to allegations that he made stunningly misogynistic remarks toward female employees, Bloomberg’s fellow Democratic presidential candidates had plenty to say about the former New York City mayor throughout their appearances on Sunday cable news programs.

Here’s how 2020 Dems took aim at Bloomberg Sunday morning:

Biden hits Bloomberg for his record on “Meet the Press”

Former Vice President Joe Biden took aim at Bloomberg’s vast fortune and argued that “$60 billion can buy you a lot of advertising, but it can’t erase your record.”

“There’s a lot to talk about with Michael Bloomberg. You all are going to start focusing on him like you have on me — which I’m not complaining — like you have on me the last six months,” Biden said. “You’re going to focus on him. His position on — issues relating to the African American community, from stop-and-frisk to the way he talked about Obama.”


Buttigieg says on “Fox News Sunday” that Bloomberg will “have to answer” for sexist remarks

When asked by Fox News’ Chris Wallace about the alleged sexist remarks Bloomberg reportedly made, former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg said that “he’s going to have to answer for that and speak to it.”

“Obviously there is no comparison to this President and the way that he has treated and talked about women and people of color and continues to do so to this day,” Buttigieg said. “But we in our party hold ourselves to the highest standard. And it is going to be critical for us to have a nominee who can authentically lead and who can show growth on these challenges.”


Klobuchar says Bloomberg’s stop-and-frisk policy is “unconstitutional” on CBS’ “Face the Nation”

When asked about regrets about her tenure as a prosecutor, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) took the opportunity to criticize Bloomberg’s controversial stop-and-frisk policing policy.

“As for what Michael Bloomberg did — stop-and-frisk — that is unconstitutional,” Klobuchar said, before pointing out how she’s willing to answer tough questions unlike Bloomberg. “Where is he? He just keeps running a bunch of ads. He’ll probably have more ads during your show in certain states than I’m on answering your questions. I think he cannot hide behind the airwaves and the money. I think he has to come on the shows. And I personally think he should be on the debate stage. I’m never going to beat him on the airwaves, but I can beat him on the debate stage.”


Klobuchar urges Bloomberg to stop “hiding behind the airwaves” on CNN’s “State of the Union”

When asked about Bloomberg reportedly making sexist and inappropriate comments toward his female employees, Klobuchar pointed out how he “has not gone on any Sunday shows since he announced.”

I have got to answer questions like I just did on my record, and he has to do the same thing. I don’t think you should be able to hide behind airwaves and huge ad buys. He has to come on these shows,” Klobuchar said. “And I also am an advocate for him coming on the debate stage. I know I’m not going to be able to beat him on the airwaves, but I can beat him on the debate stage, because I believe my argument for my candidacy is so much stronger.”


Klobuchar once again says she can beat Bloomberg on the debate stage on “Meet the Press”

After MSNBC’s Chuck Todd told Klobuchar that Bloomberg’s fundraising of  $12 million in a week and $300 million overall “has got to be daunting,” Klobuchar admitted that it is “daunting” but that she has an advantage over him “because I do things like go on your show, take tough questions.”

“And then at the same time, he is running more ads on whatever he wants during that same time. That’s what life is and I think what needs to happen here is that he needs to go on shows like this, which he hasn’t done,” Klobuchar said. “He just can’t hide behind the airwaves. He has to answer questions and of course, I think he should be on that debate stage, which eventually he will be, because I can’t beat him on the airwaves but I can beat him on the debate stage and I think people of America deserve that to make a decision.”

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Notable Replies

  1. Looks to me like everything they said was true

  2. Pile on Bloomberg all you want but he is so far above Trump on the evolutionary scale that his faults are much less then “The Donald’s”.
    Learn from Bloomberg. What he is saying maybe closer to what main stream American’s want.
    Go slightly left.

  3. They are all correct. If it weren’t for his $$$, how many Democrats would be seriously thinking of Oligarch Bloomberg for POTUS? Zero.

  4. I have to say, I love his commercials, I just wish they were for a candidate I trusted…

  5. Everything from a slime mold on up is higher on the evolutionary scale than Trump. So that claim is of limited usefulness.

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