House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today was adamant that some of the more popular parts of health care reform that the Democrats have been touting were actually Republican ideas, despite repeatedly saying in the past that no Republican ideas had been incorporated into the plan.
Appearing on Morning Edition, Boehner first pointed out that he and the Republicans have, “over the course of the last 16 months, every time we’ve had to oppose our Democrat colleagues, we’ve offered what we thought was a better solution.”
He continued: “I think that our common sense ideas to reform the health care system made a lot more sense than what was passed by the majority.”
Boehner added that if he and the Republicans take back the House of Representatives in November, they will repeal health care reform:
I think that we need to repeal the health care law and replace it with common sense steps that will lower the cost of health insurance in America.
Inskeep asked Boehner if he would also repeal some of the more popular and immediate parts of the bill, like allowing kids under the age of 26 to stay on their parents’ health care plans, or ending the insurance company practice of canceling coverage when someone gets sick.
Boehner said: “Both of those ideas, by the way, came from Republicans and are part of the common sense ideas that we ought to have in the law.”
Of course, Boehner has long criticized the Democrats’ plan for not incorporating any Republican ideas, and as recently as February 25 wrote a statement saying: “Democrats’ job-killing health care proposals do not implement a single major GOP reform that would lower costs for families and small businesses.”
Still not convinced? He also wrote: Look “beneath the newly-minted rhetoric and actually look at the text of their bills, it quickly becomes evident that they haven’t actually incorporated any of the major health care reforms Republicans support.”
Late Update: Ethan Rome, HCAN executive director, says of Boehner’s claims:
Were those Republican ideas? In the words of John Boehner, ‘Hell no.’ These guys opposed every part of the bill, every step of the way. Saying they are Republican ideas is like suggesting his suntan is real.