During a subcommittee hearing today on the Gulf oil spill, Rep. Charlie Melancon (D-LA) broke down while speaking about the impact in his home state.
“While I know this hearing today is to discuss the current response to the leak, I’d like to remind my colleagues and distinguished panel witnesses today that the recovery phase is just as critical as the response phase,” he said.
“Our culture is threatened. Our coastal economy is threatened. And everything that I know and love is at risk,” he said, his voice cracking with emotion. He paused before going on:
“Even though this marsh lies … along coastal Louisiana … these are America’s wetlands,” he said, before he had to stop. “Excuse me.”
Melancon then submitted the rest of his statement for the record and left the hearing.
The hearing, on oil spill response, was held by the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s environment subcommittee.