The Republican National Committee is knocking President Obama today for waiting 58 days since the Gulf Coast oil spill began to meet with BP executives — during which time he went golfing a half dozen times.
The RNC’s new web video — called “What Took So Long?” — flips through Obama’s non-oil spill calendar items of the last two months, and shows pictures of him with Paul McCartney and Bono, raising money for Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), going on a family vacation, meeting with the New York Yankees, and, of course, playing golf. According to the RNC, Obama was off having a grand time while the Gulf suffered.
The video also resurrects James Carville’s now-famous declaration that “we’re about to die down here” in the Gulf. Matt Lauer’s question on why Obama didn’t pick up the phone and call BP is played on a loop. And there are oily birds.