Last night, Daily Show correspondents Wyatt Cenac and John Oliver continued their ongoing series of debates, this time addressing the controversy over Dr. Laura’s use of the “N-word” on-air, and Sarah Palin’s subsequent defense of her.
Oliver, on “Team R-Word,” wouldn’t say Cenac’s word out loud, but noted “I don’t think Dr. Laura was saying…his one…to be hurtful.”
Cenac replied: “You’re right, it was all the other racist shit she was saying.”
Wyatt continued that “Dr. Laura dropped the ‘N-word’ 11 times,” while Rahm Emanuel only used the word “retard” once before Sarah Palin called for him to be fired.
Oliver then consulted the “Palin Index” ticker, which is “like the Nasdaq of insults,” and it showed that “the ‘R-word’ is trading at 13 1/2 ‘N-words’ these days.”
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