Obama Announces Plans For Increased Oil Production
In this weekend’s Presidential YouTube address, President Obama announced that his administration was opening up increased oil drilling, as part of an effort to deal with high gas prices.
“Last year, America’s oil production reached its highest level since 2003. But I believe that we should expand oil production in America – even as we increase safety and environmental standards,” said Obama.
“To do this, I am directing the Department of Interior to conduct annual lease sales in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve, while respecting sensitive areas, and to speed up the evaluation of oil and gas resources in the mid and south Atlantic. We plan to lease new areas in the Gulf of Mexico as well, and work to create new incentives for industry to develop their unused leases both on and offshore.”
GOPer Roby: Ryan Plan ‘Preserves Critical Programs Like Medicare’
In this weekend’s Republican address, freshman Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL) discussed various issues, such as gas prices and the debt ceiling. She also mounted a defense of the Medicare proposals put forth by Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), which would privatize the program:
“The Republican budget put forward by Chairman Paul Ryan ends the threat of job-crushing tax hikes. It also preserves critical programs like Medicare,” said Roby. “Because, again, the greatest threat is doing nothing. If we do nothing, Medicare will simply run out of money. Without action, seniors’ benefits will be cut. Under Chairman Ryan’s plan, seniors 55 and older would not be affected in any way. That is an important point. For those of us under 55, we must take steps to ensure Medicare will still be around when we retire.
Tax Debate Causes Rifts Among Democrats
The Washington Post reports: “While Republican tensions over tackling the national debt have been on public display for days, Democrats have also been squabbling with one another, though largely out of view. At issue for Democrats is whether the party risks going overboard in its embrace of tax increases — a perilous proposition for lawmakers from political battlegrounds. Those tensions erupted at a private meeting this week of a handful of key Democratic members.”
Kerry: ‘Serious Questions’ In U.S.-Pakistan Ties Post Bin Laden
Reuters reports: “The United States wants Pakistan to be a ‘real’ ally in combating militants inside its borders but serious questions remain in relations between the countries after the killing of Osama bin Laden, U.S. Senator John Kerry said on Saturday. Kerry, who is visiting Afghanistan ahead of a trip to Pakistan to discuss strained bilateral ties, said Islamabad needed to improve efforts in fighting extremism, but the death of bin Laden provided a critical chance to move forward.”
Pakistan’s Parliament Condemns U.S. Bin Laden Raid
Reuters reports: “- Pakistan’s parliament condemned on Saturday the U.S. raid to find and kill Osama bin Laden, calling for a review of U.S. ties and warning that Pakistan could cut supply lines to American forces in Afghanistan if there were more such attacks. Pakistan’s intelligence chief was cited as saying he was ready to resign over the bin Laden affair, which has embarrassed the country and led to suspicion that Pakistani security agents knew where the al Qaeda chief was hiding.”
Huckabee Remains Tight-Lipped On 2012; Aides Say He’s A No Go
Fox News reports: “Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, winner of the 2008 Iowa Caucuses, and considered the GOP front-runner in many national polls, will announce his 2012 presidential plans on his Saturday night show on Fox News Channel. Huckabee says he has not discussed his decision with his producers, nor has he reached out directly to his former aides. Many Huckabee insiders say all signs point against another campaign.”
Huckabee Email To Inner Circle Seemingly Hints At Candidacy
On the other hand, as The Page reports, Huckabee has sent an e-mail to members of his inner circle, which seems to point towards the idea that he is running. Key quote: “Many friends have said, ‘how can we help you in the decision?’ My answer has consistently been, ‘Pray that I have clarity.’ I have it and will share it Saturday night during the show. Please be patient if I don’t respond immediately to an email because I expect that once I pull the trigger Saturday night, things will get even crazier, as if that’s possible.”