A dark drama unfolded in Delaware County, Ohio last week. It involved a freshman Republican state Senator, his wife (who also happens to be the County Recorder), one of the family’s guns and whispered, frantic calls to 911.
No charges were filed, but the scandal is putting allegations of domestic violence on State Sen. Kris Jordan — one of the slew of Republicans elected in Ohio in November who pushed through Gov. John Kasich’s (R) union-busting SB5 bill.
Progressive-leaning blog Plunderbund first reported the story Tuesday. By Tuesday night, the Columbus Dispatch had picked it up.
These are the details :
On July 11, Jordan’s wife, Melissa, called 911 late in the evening. She immediately hung up after an emergency dispatcher answers. The Dispatch described what happened when 911 operators called back:
“Just please get somebody here … My husband, please.”
“This is the first time I’ve called,” she said. “He’s done this a lot. I can’t put up with this anymore.”
“He’s had some drinks,” she said. “He was pushing me around, throwing stuff. Because I called you, he wants – he says it’s over.”
Plunderbund posted the audio of the calls, which include this bit from Melissa Jordan, transcribed by the Dispatch:
Melissa Jordan told the dispatcher that there were guns in the home and that one had been taken from its usual spot but was in a separate room.
“He’s mad; he’s got the gun,” she whispered. “I don’t want anybody here.”
Both Jordans have concealed carry permits, Plunderbund reports, and Melissa later told dispatchers that “he never threatened her with a gun.” But she did say that Kris “started arguing with her and pushing around.”
Read the complete incident report here.
Eventually, Melissa Jordan told the operator she didn’t want police to come to the house. She also declined to press charges and told the Dispatch the whole thing has been worked out.
“I love my husband,” she told the paper. “We had a disagreement. We have talked through it and we’re both committed to each other and we’re working on strengthening our relationship even more.”