Michele Bachmann says President Obama scheduled his job speech on the same night as one of three nationally televised Republican presidential debates in the month of September because he wants to prevent Americans from seeing the group of Republicans who may face him next fall.
Earlier Wednesday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) called on Obama to move the speech, citing the time needed “for a security sweep of the House Chamber before receiving a President.”
Bachmann supports Boehner’s move, and said “clearly the administration has a great deal of insecurity about their job plan and the lack of it.”
Speaking to Fox News on Wednesday, Bachmann argued, “Boehner is saying… rather than the president hiding his speech, and trying to divert the American people away from hearing from the presidential candidates on their assessment of his job that he failed to do for the economy.”
She continued, “John Boehner is rightly saying, let’s have the American people watch you.”
Other GOP 2012 candidates also reacted to the fracas. Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul told TPM:
“Next Wednesday night TV viewers will have a choice between Republican candidates talking about the future of America, or Barack Obama talking about the future of his presidency.”
Meanwhile, in an exchange with TPM, Perry campaign spokesman Mark Milner made it sound like it was all water off a duck’s back:
“Governor Perry looks forward to talking about his plans to get America Working Again. Another speech by President Obama will have no impact on the debate.”
All three candidates are scheduled to appear at next week’s debate — whenever it’s held — as well as the two other debates scheduled for September.
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