Stephen Colbert thought the 2012 Republican presidential contest was all but a two-horse race between Mitt Romney and Rick Perry. But a funny thing happened on the way to the nomination: Herman Cain.
“They have been joined in the top tier by this dark horse candidate,” Colbert said. “An expression I use only because he’s an unexpected challenger, not because he’s a horse.”
And in a recent polls, Cain — who Colbert calls the “hardest-working man in chew-business” — has surged to top-tier status.
“Cain has picked up all the voters who don’t like Romney, used to like Perry and can’t have Christie,” Colbert said.
“Republican voters have been reduced to using the same criteria as a 4 a.m. barroom pickup: he has a pulse and no visible cold sores. And folks, that is a good thing, because Cain is on everybody’s lips.”
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