There’s embracing the Koch brothers, and then there’s Herman Cain.
“I am the Koch brothers’ brother from another mother,” Cain told a crowd at a Koch-funded Americans For Prosperity gathering in Washington Friday.
On stage at AFP’s “Defending the American Dream Summit,” Cain didn’t address the story everyone in DC is talking about — last Sunday’s Politico report on the sexual harassment charges that came Cain’s way while he was CEO of the National Restaurant Association in the late ’90s.
But Cain did mention another article about him creating some chatter today — the New York Times piece that’s the latest to delve into Cain’s longstanding relationship with AFP and the Kochs.
Cain said the story didn’t faze him.
“The article tried to make a case of close the Koch brothers and I are,” Cain said. “I’m proud to know the Koch brothers — I’m very proud to know the Koch brothers.”
Then he dropped the “another mother” line, which came after warning that “this may be breaking news.” The crowd went nuts, just as they had throughout his speech.
Here’s some video from ThinkProgress: