Missouri gubernatorial candidate Dave Spence liked to tout his “economics” degree on his website and at campaign events — but in reality his degree was less about bookkeeping and more about housekeeping.
Until Thursday, Spence (R) had claimed on his campaign website that he “earned a degree in Economics” from the University of Missouri (screenshot here). But on Tuesday, Jake Wagman of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch pointed out that this was a bit of a stretch — Spence’s degree was in home economics.
From the Dispatch:
The school says that Spence majored in family economics and management — also called consumer economics –which earned him a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Home Economics in 1981.
On Thursday, Spence, who is challenging Dem incumbent Jay Nixon, updated his website to include the more accurate information: “After high school, Dave attended the University of Missouri-Columbia where he majored in family economics and management (also known as consumer economics) and earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Home Economics.”
But it wasn’t just the website. The Associated Press reports that one of his campaign fliers, handed out at a GOP event on December 6, claimed that “after high school, Dave attended University of Missouri-Columbia School of Business and earned a degree in Economics.”
Spence told the AP that he was unaware of the flier’s claims but that he takes responsibility. “I have said all along that I will not or do not lie,” he said. “A lot of this is overblown, as I was not aware of any place that said business school.”