Poll: Scott Walker’s 5 Point Lead Disappeared

FILE - In this combination of Oct. 10, 2014 file photos are Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker, left, and his Democratic challenger, Mary Burke, at a debate in Eau Claire, Wis. (AP Photo/The Eau Claire Leader-Te... FILE - In this combination of Oct. 10, 2014 file photos are Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker, left, and his Democratic challenger, Mary Burke, at a debate in Eau Claire, Wis. (AP Photo/The Eau Claire Leader-Telegram, Marisa Wojcik, File) MORE LESS
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A new Marquette Law School poll finds the Wisconsin gubernatorial race tied with Gov. Scott Walker (R) and Democratic challenger Mary Burke each getting 47 percent support among likely voters.

The most recent Marquette poll’s findings, released on Wednesday, contrast a previous Marquette poll which showed Walker leading Burke by 5 percentage points.

The most recent poll’s findings underscore what other polls have shown about the race: that Walker and Burke are only separated by a small margin.

The new Marquette poll also suggests that Burke has, at the very least, not totally lost her chance to win the race in the wake of revelations that a staffer on her campaign seems to have plagiarized from other past Democratic campaigns.

The new poll was conducted among 803 likely voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

The TPM Polltracker average finds Walker with a 0.4 point lead over Burke.

Latest Polltracker

Notable Replies

  1. Time for Walker to bus in people from other states to vote for him. Isn’t that what happened last time? Now if regular working stiffs will just come out and vote in their own self-interest.

  2. In the past week Burke has broken ahead with independents and closed the enthusiasm gap of likely voters. That’s impressive. This is as close as most people predicted, but with two weeks to go Burke is gaining and Walker is falling. Both campaigns are targeting the 4% of undecided voters that are remaining. It’s all going to come down to turn-out. The final debate is Friday night. Newspaper endorsements will start tricking in shortly thereafter.

  3. Avatar for edhedh edhedh says:

    on wisconsin!

  4. The new Marquette poll also suggests that Burke has, at the very least, not totally lost her chance to win the race in the wake of revelations that a staffer on her campaign seems to have plagiarized from other past Democratic campaigns.

    Huh? This sentence is so full of wrong I don’t even know where to begin.

    “This poll also suggests that Burke has, at the very least, not lost her chance to win.” I suppose that’s one way to phrase it. Another way would be to say that both candidates have a chance to win or lose. Why intentionally go for the most awkward possible syntax instead of just saying “This poll shows Burke can win”? Or “This poll shows Walker can be defeated.” Or most accurately, “This poll shows that its an incredibly close race that could go either way in the next two weeks.”

    “…revelations that a staffer on her campaign seems to have plagiarized from other past Democratic campaigns.” Um, no. It wasn’t a staffer. It was a consultant. He didn’t plagiarize from other past Democratic campaigns. He copied language he himself had written for previous campaigns, without acknowledging the duplication. I suppose using the word “seems” in this context is easier than doing the slightest bit of research to accurately describe the situation, as in if I were to say that it “seems” that Daniel Strauss has no idea what he’s talking about.

  5. Yep, she seems to be surging at exactly the right time. I so very much want her to win. Wisconsin is and deserves so much better than Scott Walker.

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