WH Cancels Trump’s Daily Intelligence Briefing Amid His Anger At Intel Chiefs

on May 21, 2018 in Langley, Virginia.
Gina Haspel prepares to speak while flanked by President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence after she was sworn in as CIA director on May 21, 2018 in Langley, Virginia. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
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The White House abruptly cancelled President Donald Trump’s daily intelligence briefing with his chiefs Wednesday, a day after CIA Director Gina Haspel and DNI Dan Coats gave Congress a yearly threat assessment during which they contradicted many of Trump’s favorite talking points.

According to a Thursday Daily Beast report, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave no specific reason as to why the briefing was cancelled: “It was moved,” she said.

After spending Wednesday criticizing his own intelligence officers on Twitter, Trump changed his stance and began blaming the media for making it “appear” that the chiefs undermined many of his claims.

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  1. My My ! Someone is butthurt…

    Some Euro fun

    ‘Like a Big Mac But Juicier’: Burger King renames sandwiches to troll McDonald’s
    Burger King’s Swedish operation revamps its menus to feature sandwiches categorized as ‘Not Big Mac’s’, with such names as ‘Anything but a Big Mac’ and ‘Burger Big Mac Wished It Was’
    'Like a Big Mac But Juicier': Burger King renames sandwiches to troll McDonald's | McDonald's | The Guardian
    Last month, in a complex piece of digital maneuvering, it offered people in the vicinity of McDonald’s one-cent Whoppers, CNN reported. To promote its app, it allowed users to unlock the deal if they were standing near a McDonald’s location. They were then directed to the nearest Burger King, where they could obtain something Big Mac-ish, but flame grilled, of course

  2. Avatar for jinnj jinnj says:

    No more intelligence! … Donald brain full up. No can squeeze any more in.

  3. What do you mean cancelled? The intelligence briefing is getting ready to start now …

  4. Avatar for eglot eglot says:

    Poor widdle Mr. Gwumpy Pants didn’t get a long enough nap…

  5. So…to sum up-
    use short declarative sentences,
    punchy graphics, documents of a page or less with highlighting,
    do not tell The Presidents things he does not want to hear,
    do not disagree with The President,
    practice abject flattery.

    Too late.
    God help us.

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