No Holds Barred: Barr Will Not Recuse Himself From Mueller’s Probe

on January 29, 2019 in Washington, DC.
Attorney General William Barr arrives on Capitol Hill for a meeting on January 29, 2019. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
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After dodging the question during his confirmation hearings, Attorney General William Barr is now confirming that he will not recuse himself from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, despite the document he wrote criticizing it.

According to a Monday Politico report, a Department of Justice spokeswoman said that he had chosen not to recuse on the advice of “senior career ethics officials.”

For now, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is still directly overseeing Mueller’s investigation. If he leaves later this month, as expected, he’ll clear the way for Trump’s next pick: Deputy Transportation Secretary Jeffrey Rosen.

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