Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) made a peculiar historical analogy about the unrest in Ferguson, Mo. on Monday, comparing those protesting the police killing of Michael Brown to the white supremacist who killed civil rights icon Medgar Evers.
“Some of the protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, remind me of historic figures. But not the ones they think,” the former governor wrote on his blog in a post titled, “The Right To Protest.”
Huckabee wrote that certain demonstrators have been “threatening violence” if officer Darren Wilson is not indicted in the upcoming decision by a grand jury.
He compared them to “lynch mobs” seeking “mob justice.”
“The real heroes of racial justice were peaceful protesters like the Rev. Martin Luther King,” Huckabee continued. “Today, every town has a street named after him.”
“You don’t see any monuments to Bull Connor or the killers of Medgar Evers,” he said.
Evers was a black civil rights activist in Mississippi who was murdered by a segregationist and member of the supremacist White Citizens Council. Bull Connor was the Commissioner of Public Safety in Birmingham, Ala. infamous for his enforcement of racial segregation.
"“You don’t see any monuments to Bull Connor or the killers of Medgar Evers,” he said. " …with deep chagrin of course.
And there is not a chance in the world that Huckabee would have been supportive of Martin Luther King had Huckabee been a name the media would have swarmed to then.
What do you call Fox News?
So he is advocating they be allowed to commit any criminal acts they want and still go free until their dotage?
Teatroll Rosetta Stone says: “Sigh…Why can’t they just know their place and accept it?”
If there are people threatening violence over the decision, then I have to say I agree. The headlining is misleading IMO. He’s not saying regular protestors are the same, he’s saying the threatening violence is wrong, and using a clumsy analogy that he thinks is clever because it “reverses the roles”. Granted that’s based on what’s in the quotes in the articles, and prehaps his intention is for news organizations to run with the click grabbing sensanolist version. He is slime afterall. But I have to admit I agree with the concept of what I’m reading into the quote. I’m down with advocating for peaceful civil disobedience over violence.
Disclaimer: This again is provided that there are actual threats of violence, if that’s just s straw man that he created, then I withdraw my defense of the quote. Either way he’s still slime.