We’ve already told you about the report from the Toronto Sun that a new audio recording of Mayor Rob Ford has triggered a decision to enter rehab and temporarily suspend his run for reelection. The tape reportedly captures Ford drunk out his mind at a local bar, complaining about his wife and saying he wants to bang fellow mayoral contender Karen Stintz.
But now the Globe and Mail is reporting that they’ve got or have at least been shown a new video. At first it seemed like there might be ambiguous language referring to a single recording But it’s not the same. It’s new video of Ford smoking crack just this weekend with his sister and possibly bodyguard, extortionist and drug dealer Sandro Lisi at Ford’s sister’s apartment.
The Globe story suggests that there may now be multiple new Rob Ford crack tapes. Globe and Mail reporters were shown the videos but they’re apparently now for sale by the drug dealer who secretly filmed them. And the article says the video “is part of a package of three videos the dealer said was surreptitiously filmed around 1:15 a.m., and which he says he is now selling for ‘at least six figures.'”