It’s just like it was in the Spring when the GOP party apparatus devised feverish plans to deny Donald Trump the nomination at the convention and then caved without a fight. The great GOP disengagement from Donald Trump, after the emergence of a video in which Trump bragged about assaulting a women, is over after little more than 48 hours.
The first sign of the defeat came this morning with Paul Ryan essentially restating his position that he would endorse Trump without acting on his behalf or defending him. Now we have the final stand down. In an afternoon conference call with members of the Republican National Committee, RNC Chair Reince Priebus assured members that the RNC is fully behind Trump, fully coordinating with the campaign and is satisfied with his apology as “heartfelt”.
As it has been for a year, the GOP has nominal power. But Donald Trump owns their voters. That’s the entirety of the story. Nothing has changed.
The surrender looks all but total. The handful of senators and members of congress who jumped ship on Friday and Saturday now appear to have jumped a bit too soon, now stranded in rapidly sinking life boats as the damaged main vessel slowly takes on water but yet drifts on to the waterfall.