Rand Paul On Jeb Bush Exploring 2016 Bid: ‘The More The Merrier’

El senador republicano Rand Paul de Kentucky habla ante la Sociedad Federalista Chase en la Universidad del Norte de Kentucky, el 21 de noviembre de 2014. (AP Foto/Timothy D. Easley)
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Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was accompanied by former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) on his walk to the Senate floor for votes on Tuesday, when he responded to Jeb Bush announcing he’ll “actively explore” a presidential bid.

“I think we have a big tent, and we can use moderates, conservatives, libertarians — we need ’em all,” the libertarian-leaning senator and expected 2016 presidential candidate told inquiring reporters in the Capitol.

Can Bush win the Republican nomination?

“You know, I think the more the merrier. The public will determine that,” Paul said.

The senator declined to take any more questions, saying he was trying to have a conversation with Kucinich. Kucinich, a progressive firebrand during his time in Congress, wouldn’t say what brought him to the Capitol.

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  1. Avatar for mantan mantan says:

    Sons of anarchy…

  2. Spoken like a man bucking for Secretary of Health and Human Services.

  3. Avatar for azjude azjude says:

    Come on, bush daddy, invaded iraq and tanked the economy.

    Bush jr, invaded iraq, tanked the economy (even worse than daddy did…see the great depression!), set torture as a thing we now do, and gave us dick as vp!

    Sorry jebbie, you might be the smart one, but no one wants another bush in the white house!

  4. “I think we have a big tent, and we can use moderates, conservatives, libertarians — we need 'em all,”

    This is hilarious. This is what counts as “big tent” according to Rand Paul.

    Let’s break down what he really means:
    Moderates: Old white people too ashamed to still call themselves Republicans but vote straight ® anyway.
    Conservatives: The usual bunch of old white people that still actually call themselves Republicans.
    Libertarians: The college-aged, coddled, white male offspring of said moderates and conservatives.

    Big tent!

  5. Is this how it’s going to be for the next year? Every urp, fart and sneeze by anyone who remotely might consider running for POTUS to be analyzed and pondered as if it were a rune.

    It’s not like Congress just gave Wall St. the biggest wet bj in history. They don’t matter. What did Hillary have for brunch last Sunday???

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