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From The Reporter’s Notebook
Donald Trump said at a Tuesday rally that Bill Clinton must have “gone through hell last night” because he criticized an aspect of the Affordable Care Act in a Monday speech, TPM’s Esme Cribb reported. “He went through hell,” Trump told a cheering crowd. “But you know, honestly, there have been many nights when he’s gone through hell with Hillary, in all fairness.”
Agree or Disagree?
Josh Marshall: “[Pence] could have been John McCain’s running mate there or Mitt Romney’s. But he’s Donald Trump’s running mate. And with Trump having repeatedly praised Putin, knocked NATO, threatened NATO allies to pull their guaranteed defense and all the rest, Pence’s Russia hawk runs sounded both powerful and ridiculous. Nor was this the only case where this happened. On various other points, it was hard to tell whether Pence realized he was running with Donald Trump since his arguments frequently took little cognizance of anything Trump has said or most of the positions he’s espoused. That captures the basic symmetry of the debate. Kaine himself didn’t always come off as well as I might have expected. But he did great for his running mate.”
Say What?!
“Julian Assange is a Hillary butt plug.”
– Alex Jones expressed his vocal and extremely specific disappointment in Assange’s failure to deliver an “October surprise.”
BUZZING: Today in the Hive
From a TPM Prime member: “Can faith in government be restored? Yes, and quite easily and relatively quickly, under the right circumstances. If you look at what has happened in California since the Democrats assumed control of the government and compare that to the experience of, say Kansas or Michigan, you can see how good government itself restores faith in government, while bad government degrades that faith. So, what we really need is for the Federal Government to begin really and effectively responding to the actual challenges (economy, environment and energy). There are other areas we vitally need to address—racial justice, for example. If we really start solving these problems then the issue of faith in government solves itself. If we don’t start solving these problems there is no way to restore faith. Belief depends on experience; it does not precede it.”
Related: Obama criticized Senate Republicans for leaving a “politically motivated, willfully negligent vacancy on the Supreme Court” in a Tuesday editorial.
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What We’re Reading
Lessons from 30 years of observing Donald Trump. (Vanity Fair)
The team of men behind the fake woman whose Trump-fueled breakup went viral. (Jezebel)