Wave of Anti-Muslim Vitriol Floods US, Sen. Vitter’s Staggering Loss, & GOP’s Database Dilemma

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November 23, 2015

Top Stories

Why The Paris Attacks Unleashed A New Level Of Anti-Muslim Vitriol In The US

The Gist: Psychologists and terror experts point out that the cultural ties between French and American citizens have sparked a flurry of cold rhetoric unseen since 9/11.

16 Arrested In Sunday Raids In Belgium

The Gist: Belgian police carried out raids throughout the tense capital, which remained locked down under high alert Monday. 

Trump Reiterates That He Saw People Cheering On 9/11 In New Jersey

The Gist: GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is sticking by his story that he saw people in New Jersey—who he implied were Arab Americans—”cheering as the World Trade Center came down.” 

From The Reporter’s Notebook

TPM’s Tierney Sneed reported on how the congressional fight over Syrian refugees is just beginning. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is set to roll out a bill with Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) that would crack down on visa waivers. Some believe the bill could help shift the conversation away from refugees and could even act as a vehicle for less harsh, compromise refugee security legislation.

Agree or Disagree?

Josh Marshall: The staggering loss of Sen. David Vitter in the Louisiana gubernatorial race suggests that his anti-refugee fear-mongering did nothing to win over voters. According to Marshall, “The final election results (almost a 10 point win) suggest the last minute immigrant-terror bashing had no effect at all.”

Say What?!

“I had 10,000 screaming people in the room yesterday. 10,000 people and this guy started screaming by himself, and I don’t know. Roughed up? Maybe he should have been roughed up. Because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.”

– Trump said the Black Lives Matter protestor who was violently removed from a Trump rally might have deserved what he got.

BUZZING: Today in the Hive

From a TPM Prime member: ” I want to ask if we can more regularly challenge anyone, particularly the RW, when they accuse someone (right or left) or some thing as behaving Nazi-like? Nazism, when used accurately refers to a totalitarian and personality cult system of government with a high degree of nationalism/militarism which forces business and private interests to yield to the state under threat of harm. Most of the name-callers invoking Nazism are inaccurate in the sense that the accused harbors no totalitarian aim and displays no high degree of nationalistic fervor. Instead, the victim of the insult is generally being painted as some sort of bully (accurate or not). Moreover, no personality cult can be perceived. Thus, when the right wing accuses Obama of being a Nazi (usually conflated with other names), they are certainly wrong with respect to any aim Obama may have vis-à-vis Nazism itself. I think one can debate whether Obama can be characterized as a bully (he can’t be), but why don’t we, as liberals fight back over the terminology being used? (“Hey, RW idiot, you don’t even know what Nazism is. [Fill in name of liberal being attacked] has no totalitarian purpose, and he’s not employing super-nationalistic tactics. So what are you really trying to say or do?” “You’re comparing Obama to Hitler? Get real, he’s no dictator.”)”

Related: Ben Carson once said he wasn’t sorry he compared the U.S. to Nazi Germany.

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What We’re Reading

Will the first Pakistani woman to vote in her village also be the last? (NPR)

Crime isn’t increasing because cops are afraid of protesters, but the rise in murder is still real. (Slate)

NRA-friendly Republicans are struggling because there is no clear way to advocate for no compromises on homeland security and the 2nd amendment at the same time. (The Trace)

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