David Fry came all the way from Ohio to the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon to see the militia standoff for himself. He liked what he saw.
Fry – who has gone by the name of ‘DefendYourBase’ online, is a video gamer who once posted “Pray4ISIS” on his social media account and has called on the terrorist group to “nuke Israel.”
Fry embodies the rag-tag nature of the Oregon standoff. While it is unknown how many people are gathered at the refuge, one thing is clear: The individuals there have all arrived for their own reasons.
Fry came onto media radar after he posted a video of himself purportedly at the refuge. He was using a government computer to post the video, after the militiamen at the preserve had pushed back against claims they were using them.
“Currently, I am actually using one of the BLM computers here,” Fry says on camera as he shows viewers the screen and keyboard. “No other damage is being destroyed. No sabotaging anything.”
Fry explains that he is using a Linux flash drive to circumvent the government’s network passwords.
Fry has built a web page for the Oregon standoff to give outsiders insight into what day-to-day life at the refuge is like. The website includes a video of a sovereign citizen court judge coming to visit the militiamen and a link to buy fellow militiaman LaVoy Finicum’s end-times cowboy thriller.
In earlier dispatches from the refuge, Fry has plenty of observations about the standoff. He says that the men there are “decent” and that they are taking care of the refuge, not destroying it (although he does admit they knocked the door down when they first entered the building).
“They really are cleaning up the place,” Fry says. “They aren’t leaving trash anywhere. … This form of rioting is definitely much better than what you see going on in the cities where they are burning down the buildings and looting the stores.”
He also accuses U.S. officials of being just as ruthless as the Islamic State.
“ISIS and the damn government. They are the same damn people. They are terrorizing everybody just walking on everybody’s rights,” he says.
But Fry’s social media presence even before he landed in Oregon paints the picture of a young man outraged about the government, the Jewish faith and abortion.
Under an Associated Press YouTube video chronicling the crimes of former Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, a user who appears to be Fry and goes by the name DefendYourBase writes “F****** animals. Docs and patients both. They need to learn to close their f****** legs, use condoms, or choose a fucking man they know they will be with. They all deserve to die the way they chose death for the unborn child. Rip their arms and legs off and crush their skulls with a vice!”
And in his Google Plus account, Oregon Public Broadcasting reported, he wrote “ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS FOR ISIS TO NUKE ISRAELHELL!”
Fry told the Oregonian that “the media is blowing this up and making me look like a bad guy, but I was just being sarcastic.” He also went on to post a video on DefendYourBase.net in which he explained that his aggressive social media presence was not meant to be taken seriously.
“I have a problem with Israel. I don’t have a problem with Jews,” he said in the video. “The Zionists Jews are the ones everyone should be worried about. They have pretty much hijacked the Jewish religion.”
“Honestly, I have been watching them for awhile and they don’t seem like bad people.” “Obviously, they haven’t destroyed this place. There is no property really broken at all just one door was broke in. I guess that happened earlier when they initially took it”
I hope Justin Long is taking notes for an SNL appearance…with guns.

“I’m just here to document what’s going on (at the compound),” Fry said.
Fry’s Google+ account shows the dumbazz’ fool man regularly posts anti-Semitic, homophobic, and pro-Nazi propaganda on social media. Fry also posts in support of ISIS.
So…he’s a perfect addition to the Vanilla ISIS Militia. Oh…it’s a party now!
And…The NewCivilRightsMovement has a wonderful little synopsis of this cutie pie:
David Frye: Future Republican Presidential Candidate.
#You heard it here first!
I wonder if Sheldon Adelson understands that these knuckleheads in Oregon are the demographic future of the Republican Party.
I was wondering when we’s start seeing anti-Jew stuff from these people.
Took longer than I thought, actually. Wonder what his Stormfront account name is.
At this point, I suspect that at least some of the “we just want to grift on Government land” people are beginning to wonder what they’ve gotten themselves into. And I’m sure Fry and Ritzheimer get along famously, what with their views about Muslims.