Donald Trump abruptly ended an interview with an Ohio television station on Thursday when the reporter asked him to respond to those calling him “racist” and “sexist.”
The reporter for Columbus television station WCMH, Colleen Marshall, began to ask Trump, “19 days out from the election, you’ve been labeled a racist, you’ve been called a sexist…?”
Trump cut Marshall off and said, “Thank you very much,” before turning around and starting to walk away.
Marshall still asked Trump to respond, prompting the Republican nominee to turn back around and say, “I am the least racist person you’ve ever met.” Trump then walked away from the camera.
Earlier in the interview, she also asked Trump about Republican leaders, like Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) distancing themselves from him following the release of 2005 tape on which he makes vulgar remarks. Trump said that Portman is doing himself a disservice.
“Well I think they are doing themselves a tremendous disservice. We’re actually up substantially in Ohio. We have tremendous support from the people. And I think they’re doing themselves a tremendous disservice. We have a couple of cases where people that aren’t supporting me. They are losing and I’m winning states, and you’ve seen that, that’s all over the place,” Trump said.
“So you know, I was very disappointed in Rob, but he is free to do whatever he has to do,” he continued. “We’re doing fantastically well in Ohio and Rasmussen just came out – the poll – we’re three up nationwide, and IBJ just came out and we’re one up and that was the most accurate poll of the season last year. So I think we are doing really well.”
Watch the interview via WCMH:
Can’t help but notice the juxtaposition of Trumps remarks with the BP ad on “virtual reality”. Is there a connection?
Inquiring minds want to know…!
I think Donnie is beginning to wake up to the fact that this isn’t all just a game anymore.
I also see Donnie Jr is beginning to spout the family stance on their Biggest Loser: “presidency would be step down for dad”!!!???
Hold on, hold on, I’ll be okay, once I get my breath back from that laugh attack…
This year’s Republican autopsy will be done on a thoroughly decomposed corpse.
If Rasmussen says you’re up three, then you’re down five.
Can’t take the heat in the kitchen – heat from the fire that Donald started.