Clearly tired of being asked about his position on vaccines, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) joked Thursday that he’d “shush” a moderator who brought up the subject.
Several reporters attending Paul’s talk at a tech event the U.S. Chamber of Commerce tweeted that the potential 2016 presidential contender said “You don’t want to be shushed, do you?” when the moderator steered their conversation to vaccines.
Moderator starts to ask Rand Paul about vaccines. “You don’t want to be shushed, do ya?” he responds.
— Igor Bobic (@igorbobic) February 12, 2015
Moderator at #LincolnLabs starts asking Rand Paul about vaccines. “You don’t want to get shushed, do you?” Paul jokes.
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) February 12, 2015
Paul was referencing a CNBC interview he gave earlier this month, in which he told anchor Kelly Evans to “calm down a bit” and made a gesture of shushing her.
The senator went on to say Thursday that he wasn’t implying there was a connection between autism and vaccines when he said during that same CNBC interview that he’d heard of healthy children who developed “profound mental disorders after vaccines.”
Paul had also previously said he believes vaccines should be voluntary. He said at the event Thursday that he is not advocating for changes in current vaccination law.
.@SenRandPaul: “I didn’t allege there is a connection (between autism and vaccines).” He and his kids were vaccinated. #RebootCongress
— LincolnLabs (@LincolnLabs) February 12, 2015
.@SenRandPaul: “I’m not promoting any changes to vaccine law.” Current law has religious/philosophical exemptions. #RebootCongress
— LincolnLabs (@LincolnLabs) February 12, 2015
Will you do that same thing if the moderator asks about plagiarism?
Will he shush the moderator who asks him about his insane, batshit monetary policies?
PS. This man is either a wise guy or a bag of manure.
Paul is a waste of human skin.
Maybe he’ll try to shush the moderator during the primary debates, too.
The media should just stop talking to this idiot. He’ll come whining back.