Trump Lawyer Schooled By CNN Host Hilariously Claims: ‘I Unraveled Her’

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If this was winning, what does losing look like?

Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, painfully reminded by a CNN host on Wednesday that his boss is behind in the polls, came out of the remarkably awkward interview declaring victory!

He told Yahoo News that he felt he “controlled the interview.”

“I think I unraveled her,” he added.

The Wednesday afternoon interview, which quickly went viral, was a devastating comedown for Cohen, with extremely uncomfortable extended silences on his part as CNN’s Brianna Keilar reminded him that Trump is down in the polls.

While Keilar was asking Cohen a question about staffing changes at the campaign, she said, “You guys are down.”

“Says who?” Cohen jumped in to ask.

“Polls…most of them…all of them?” Keilar responded.

Cohen paused for a few seconds before asking again, “Says who?”

Watch the awkward Wednesday evening interview via CNN:

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  1. He obviously majored in delusion in law school. You got toasted, sonny. By the Comedy News Network…

    Caribou Barbie looked like a Rhodes scholar with Katie Couric, compared to you.

  2. It is common for new lawyers to be surprised the first time they read a transcript of what they said. They thought they were so smooth, but the script of their actual words was disjointed and filled with incomplete sentences.

    This guy seems to have the opposite problem–reading his words may look like he was in control, but in real life, he sounded like an idiot.

  3. whatever you say, Baghdad Bob

  4. TrumpLand – An Alternative Reality Experience!!!

    Everyone who arrives has to check his brain in for the duration and put on reality-filtering goggles to protect against dangerous truth rays.

  5. Ah, the specifications for Extreme Vetting ™ are revealed.

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