Lynne Cheney Floats Theory That Clintons Pushed Lewinsky Essay

Lynne Cheney appears on "The O'Reilly Factor" talking Monica Lewinsky, the Clintons, and Benghazi.
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Cue the conspiracy theories: former second lady Lynne Cheney said Tuesday that Monica Lewinsky’s upcoming Vanity Fair essay about her affair with Bill Clinton seems like a maneuver to get the Clintons out in front of the story.

“I really wonder if this isn’t an effort on the Clintons’ part to get that story out of the way,” she told guest host Laura Ingraham on Fox News’The O’Reilly Factor.” “Would Vanity Fair publish anything about Monica Lewinsky that Hillary Clinton didn’t want in Vanity Fair?”

Cheney noted that Lewinsky’s first-person essay comes on the heels of criticism of the Clintons from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who this year repeatedly accused the former president of “predatory behavior,” and ahead of Hillary Clinton’s decision on whether or not to run for president in 2016.

“Getting it out of the way so they can say one time ‘it’s old news’ seems to me like a strategy or a tactic, perhaps,” she said.

Cheney also said she found it “astonishing” how the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya became “distorted” with Hillary Clinton’s involvement as secretary of state.

“If she wants to be a leader, she needs to take responsibility for what happened on her watch,” she said, adding that she’d give Clinton a “C” grade for her tenure at the State Department.

Image via Fox News

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  1. This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.

    And BTW, it IS old news.

  2. I wanted to go to the park today, but it rained. Damn you, Hillary!

  3. And Lynne Cheney is entitled to an opinion–or a platform–why again?

  4. What a miserable family. First of all, Mrs. Cheney, when did your husband come clean about all his lies and chicanery in sending us into war in Iraq? What about all the stories he had his buddy, Scooter, feed to Judith Miller at the Times so he could quote them on Sunday morning shows?

    Ms Lewinsky, preyed upon. Yes, the odds are if you are 24 (not a child by any means) and you snap your thong underwear in full view of a man 25 years your senior, you are the predator. The sexual harassment laws apply to both sexes in the workplace FYI.

    Now, go back and tend to that dysfunctional, hateful, warped family of yours and while your are at it, keep in mind that you and your family are no longer relevant to anyone or anything.

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