Congratulating Trump, Ted Cruz Reminds Him Of His Promises To Conservatives

Photo by: Dennis Van Tine/STAR MAX/IPx 7/20/16 Ted Cruz at day 3 of The Republican National Convention. (Cleveland, Ohio)
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Sen. Ted Cruz — a bitter foe of Donald Trump in the GOP primary who eventually came around to endorse him — issued a statement congratulating the President-elect on his victory, setting the marker for actions he’d like to see a Trump administration to take.

“I am eager to help lead the fight in the Senate to pass the conservative agenda that President-elect Trump promised to the American people,” Cruz said.

The statement, implicitly, reminded Trump of the various promises he made to conservatives over the course of the campaign, including the repeal of Obamacare, the nomination to the Supreme Court of judges that Trump previewed, and a tough stance on immigration.

He described the campaign as a “change election” and a rebuke to the Obama administration’s agenda.

“This election astonished the pundits. This was a change election,” Cruz said. “Americans voted for Republicans because of a promise to go to Washington to reverse our current course, and end the Washington cartel — a promise to drain the swamp. Now is the time to follow through on those words with action. We cannot wait even one day to begin implementing a conservative agenda that fulfills those commitments.”

After losing in GOP primary, Cruz at first withheld his endorsement at the Republican National Convention, but eventually gave Trump his support.

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  1. And Donald will just laugh at Ted . " Promises ? "

  2. They’re going to repeal the New Deal. It’s gonna be that bad.

  3. Why are these people and policies called “conservative”???
    They are in fact only regressive, and, to use TumpShit’s favorite adjective, “unbelievable” - as in “not to be believed”.

  4. America has just regressed back to the early 1930’s, in Germany!

  5. Avatar for jsfox jsfox says:

    Here’s hoping the Donald is true to form and breaks every promise made.

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