Bill O’Reilly Passed On The Chance To Be The Marlboro Man In The 70s (VIDEO)

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Fox Host Bill O’Reilly on Wednesday claimed that he could have been the Marlboro Man.

“While I was covering the News in Denver, I was approached by a modeling agency to be the Marlboro guy dressed as a cowboy,” he said on the “O’Reilly Factor” while lamenting the lack of a public health campaign warning about the dangers of weed.

He lauded the U.S. government’s campaign against smoking tobacco, but said that the U.S. has taken the opposite approach to pot.

“Smoking marijuana is quite the opposite. That’s on the rise, as pot use is considered cool in many circles, and above all it is political correct,” he said.

He then claimed that “smoking pot hurts the brain,” referencing a new study published this week in the Journal of Neuroscience. The study found that marijuana use can cause abnormalities in certain parts of the brain.

Watch the clip via Fox News:

Image via WFSB News, re-aired footage of O’Reilly in 1979

[H/t Huffington Post]

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Notable Replies

  1. For a short while in the early 80s Bill was employed as the Fruit Loops Toucan.

  2. Avatar for jsfox jsfox says:

    Well damn a perfectly nice guy would still be with us and this gaping ahole wouldn’t be

  3. O’Reilly seems to use “politically correct” when what he really means to say is simply “correct.”

  4. This is so very stolen. Sorry, but it’s brilliantly correct.

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