Cafe : Opinion
5 Kinds Of American Evangelicals And Their Voting Patterns
Evangelicals may share the same basic theology, but they are not a monolithic group.
Donald Trump’s Anti-Semitic Obsession With Jews
As Election Day approaches, Trump has repeatedly suggested that, should he lose, it will be the Jews’ fault. The remarks have a long and complicated backstory.
Ohio Is Home To Dozens Of Extremist Groups Angry About Its Changing Demographics
Though home to about 50 white extremist groups, Ohio’s social and political landscape is undergoing rapid racial change.
5 Types Of People Who Spread Conspiracy Theories They Know Are Wrong
Some online conspiracy-spreaders don’t even believe the lies they’re spewing.
In Wake Of Tyre Nichols Verdict, States And Localities Must Act To End Racialized Violence During Traffic Stops
States and localities can take systemic action to curb racialized police violence during traffic stops.
How Republicans Stopped Talking About ‘Neighborhood,’ And Why Democrats Should Make That Term Their Own
Back in the Reagan era, Republicans made “neighborhood” a key component of their political vocabulary. But in Trump’s bizarrely dystopian rendering of cities, meaningful place-based ties either don’t exist or don’t matter. Democrats can take the term back, making it the centerpiece of a fresh progressive vision.