Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) extolled the Democratic ground game in Wisconsin in an appearance on MSNBC Monday, and said it would launch Democratic nominee Tom Barrett to a win against Gov. Scott Walker, defying conventional wisdom that Walker is a lock to stay in office.
“I do think that people have underestimated our ground game, and I think we’ve developed the critical mass of factors to lead us on to victory on Tuesday,” said Moore. “No. 1, Tom is surging with independents, such an important constituency for winning an election. Secondly, we have a number of switchers, of — you know in 2010, we had 60 percent of labor voting for Tom Barrett and 40 percent for Scott Walker. Now those numbers are 80-20, 80 percent for Barrett and 20 percent for Walker.
“And the 2010 voters, the Obama voters that didn’t turn out in 2010, we believe that we have used the few resources that we have, you know, not necessarily to do as much TV obviously as Scott Walker has been able to do, but we have a tremendous ground game that has targeted Racine, Beloit, Kenosha, southeastern Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 72 wards in Milwaukee, where there are numbers of Democrats who did not necessarily participate in 2010, and we have targeted them. And we believe that there aren’t any pollsters that are able to predict which of those voters, who are likely voters among those people that we’ve been able to touch.
I’m leaving from the studio here to go out and launch yet another group of canvassers that will hit maybe the fifth or sixth time these targeted wards. So we’re cautiously optimistic,” Moore said.