The new Rasmussen poll of Missouri shows Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill trailing in her bid for re-election.
In match-ups with the three GOP candidates currently running in the primary, former state Treasurer Sarah Steelman leads McCaskill 49 percent to 42 percent; Rep. Todd Akin leads McCaskill 48 percent to 43 percent; and finally, businessman John Brunner is tied with McCaskill at 45 percent each. The survey of likely voters was conducted on April 17, and has a 4.5% margin of error.
In the previous Rasmussen poll from a month ago, Steelman led McCaskill by 10 points, Akin led by 7 points, and Brunner led by 7 points.
McCaskill was elected to the Senate in the 2006 Democratic wave, defeating incumbent Republican Sen. Jim Talent by a vote of 50 percent to 47 percent.