The Service Employees International Union is demanding that television stations in Arkansas and Nebraska pull down ads calling on Sens. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) Mark Pryor (D-AR), and Ben Nelson (D-NE) to vote against the “Employee Forced Choice Act.”
“Your news network is running an advertisement sponsored by the Employee Freedom Action Committee,” reads a letter the union sent to networks in both states, “which is demonstrably false and maliciously misleads viewers about unions and the Employee Free Choice Act.”
In particular, the ad misleadingly refers to the “Employee Forced Choice Act.”… The falsehoods and misrepresentations…warrant its immediate removal from the air.
The letter, which you can read here in full, explains the ads numerous distortions. The Employee Freedom Action Committee is the brainchild of notorious lobbyist Richard Berman, whose anti-union activities are well known to the labor movement.