House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) made it clear at the tea party “House Call” this afternoon that President Obama won’t be getting his party’s health care vote.
“Your efforts to stop this bill are being heard loud and clear,” Cantor told the thousands gathered at the base of the Capitol in what some billed as a smaller reunion of the 9/12 rallies.
“Be assured not one Republican will vote for this bill,” Cantor said, to big cheers and shouts of “Kill the bill.”
The crowd, pulled together to try and influence conservative Blue Dog Democrats before Saturday’s vote on the House health care bill, said the Blue Dogs were critical.
Cantor told them “we will try to pick up” as many Democrats as they can to defeat the bill.
Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) told them he was “standing with freedom-loving Americans” against the bill.
Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ) called the crowd “freedom fighters” who will stop the bill.