Obama: Republicans And Financial Lobbyists Seeking To Block ‘Commonsense Reforms’
In this weekend’s YouTube address, President Obama, President Obama proposed the pending financial reform legislation, which passed the House of Representatives yesterday. And he excoriated the Republicans and the financial lobbyists for seeking to block it:
“These are commonsense reforms that respond to the obvious problems exposed by the financial crisis. But, as we’ve learned so many times before, common sense doesn’t always prevail in Washington,” said Obama. “Just last week, Republican leaders in the House summoned more than 100 key lobbyists for the financial industry to a ‘pep rally,’ and urged them to redouble their efforts to block meaningful financial reform. Not that they needed the encouragement. These industry lobbyists have already spent more than $300 million on lobbying the debate this year.”
Blackburn: GOP Is For Clean Energy — But Not Taxing People Out Of House And Home
In this weekend’s Republican address, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) discussed how she and other Congressional Republicans will be visiting the Copenhagen summit on climate change. Blackburn spoke out against cap-and-trade proposals:
“Republicans are all for clean water, clean air, and clean energy. We just don’t think we have to tax people out of their house and home to get there,” said Blackburn. “That’s why we have proposed an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy that says, let’s put every clean, responsible energy option on the table so we can create jobs, ease the strain on family budgets, and clean up our environment.”
Senate Defeats GOP Filibuster Of Spending Bill
The Senate this morning defeated a Republican filibuster of a spending bill, just reaching the 60-vote cloture threshold on a 60-34 margin. Three Democrats voted no: Evan Bayh (IN), Russ Feingold (WI), and Claire McCaskill (MO). Three Republicans voted yes: Thad Cochran (MS), Susan Collins (ME), and Richard Shelby (AL). Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) walked three miles on a cold morning after his synagogue services to vote yes.
Expanded Medicare Won’t Provide Seamless Coverage
The Associated Press reports that a Medicare buy-in is not as simple as it sounds — and in some cases, private insurance plans could be a better deal. “It’s more complicated than just saying, ‘Open Medicare up to people 55-64,'” said health economist Marilyn Moon. “In theory, it’s not a bad idea because you’re taking an existing program that works very well for an elderly population and extending it to the next group of people. But the structure of Medicare is different from private insurance.”
Rep. Tammy Baldwin Catches Swine Flu
Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) announced that she has contracted swine flu, the second member of Congress to do so after Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR). Baldwin has missed House votes since Wednesday, instead staying at her Washington apartment, but said she is already recovering.
Hawaii Expecting An Obama Holiday Return
The state of Hawaii is widely expecting the Obama family to vacation there this holiday season, though nothing has been officially announced by the White House as of yet. “The word is out,” said real estate agent John Stallings, who runs the Web site OurKailuaTown.com. “I’d say it’s more than the talk around town that they are returning.”
Palin Appears On Conan O’Brien, Sends Up William Shatner
Sarah Palin appeared last night on The Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien. Palin cameoed alongside William Shatner — who has mocked Palin by reading excerpts of her writings, with his trademark spoken-word delivery — and turned the tables by reading some of his autobiography: