Rachel Maddow was disappointed with President Obama’s Oval Office address on Tuesday night about the Gulf Coast oil spill, so last night she decided to give her own version of the address, the version she wished the President had given instead.
In the address, fake-President Maddow emphasized how no company “will be allowed to drill in a location where they are incapable of dealing with the potential consequences of that drilling.”
She also promised that “the United States Senate will pass an energy bill. This year. The Senate version of the bill will not expand offshore drilling,” and her government will use reconciliation to pass the bill if Senators try to filibuster.
Maddow continued:
The political cowardice that has kept politicians from doing right by this country, finally, on energy, and standing up to the oil industry — that cowardice has been drowned; drowned in oil on Queen Bess Island. There is a new reality in this country that has been forced on us by this disaster.
At the end, she added: “And I’m closing Guantanamo.”